Legal notice

Responsible for the content:
Dr. Helmut Rothenberger Holding GmbH

Gewerbeparkstrasse 9
5081 Anif
Tel.: +43 6246 74300

Company register number: 142122d
Commercial register court: Salzburg Regional Court
VAT ID no.: AT U62907215
Business purpose: Holding and company management

Dr Helmut Rothenberger
Dr Sandra Rothenberger
Dr Sabine Rothenberger
Johann Anton Klimmer
Dr Ingo Hermann Müller

Liability for content

Dr. Helmut Rothenberger Holding GmbH (Rothenberger) provides the content of this website in order to give general information on the group and its products. The information provided has been carefully examined. Nevertheless, Rothenberger cannot guarantee that the details and information provided are accurate, complete, of high quality or up to date. Liability claims relating to material or non-material damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of faulty or incomplete information are excluded except in the case of wilful intent or gross negligence.

Rothenberger retains the right to change, expand or delete the content of this website at any time without prior notice and without stating the reason for doing so. It is not liable for any consequences of these changes.

Liability for links

This website may include information on third parties and links to the websites of third party providers. Only the respective provider is responsible for this content. Rothenberger is not liable for the accuracy or lawfulness of the content of these websites. Only the website visitor is responsible for access to linked websites of third parties. These links will be removed immediately if Rothenberger becomes aware of any breaches of the law.

Copyright law/rights of use

Publications on this website – information, text, images, photographs, sound files and video sequences, designs, graphics, logos, symbols, names, product names, trade names and company names, etc. – are subject to copyright law and, in some cases, trademark and design law.

This website does not grant a licence to use the intellectual property of Rothenberger Group companies. Unauthorised use, reproduction or distribution of individual contents or complete pages will lead to prosecution under criminal and civil law. German civil law provides the option to seek damages or apply for an injunction and to publicly announce the ruling, as well as relinquishment or destruction of the copying equipment.

The claim for an injunction is ensured by the court with fines of up to EUR 250,000.00 or detention for up to six months. Prosecution under criminal law may result in imprisonment for up to five years.

Contributions by third parties are identified as such. Duplications, editing and all use not covered by copyright law must be approved by Rothenberger or the respective author.

Rothenberger assumes no liability for unsolicited manuscripts, texts, images, graphics, video sequences, sound files and other contributions. Sending the contributions grants Dr. Helmut Rothenberger Holding GmbH the unrestricted right to use these. Dr. Helmut Rothenberger Holding GmbH is not obliged to publish and is not liable for any later use.

Data protection

Please see our separate data protection notice for information on data protection.